This cutie is, Faith

This cutie is, Faith

Faith is 5 years old. She got celiacs disease 8 months ago and she got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 18 months old.

Some of her favorite snacks and go to foods to eat are: vegetables dipped in ranch, protein shakes, bacon (thank you Costco for your precooked bacon just microwave, we buy you by the loads!), popcorn, chips, protein granola bars, cheese, Go-Gurts, just to name a few.

She got diagnosed with diabetes so young that she got use to always asking what she could eat. Now with celiacs that has helped in the sense that she is already wired to ask us what she can have. For such a young age she already knows everything in our house what she can have and what she can’t. When she goes somewhere (grandmas, cousins) she knows easy quick things she can have that a lot of people already have in their fridge: yogurt, apple sauces, fruits, vegetables, cheese.

Something to be aware of is, Faith never had any symptoms of celiacs disease. She goes in regularly for blood work because of her diabetes. Her blood work came back terrible that her GI tract was jacked up and she most definitely had celiacs. I didn’t realize there is a large percentage of people who can have celiacs but don’t show symptoms. The doctors said that even though she wasn’t symptomatic now that she would be eventually. Even though she doesn’t have symptoms she was still having bad effects of the gluten on her insides.

So, I just wanted to share if any of you parents have worries or concerns about your little, but they aren’t showing symptoms of being sick but maybe they’re losing weight, or something just seems off? Follow that prompting/ gut feeling and get blood work done.


@daveyfam thank you for sharing Faith's story with all of us!

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