Celiac + PCOS + Dairy Free = Pregnant!!!

I want to say thank you to all of you for the love that was shown to us after our pregnancy announcement! (my last post if you missed it) It was such an exciting thing for me to share with all of you! For those who may not know why this pregnancy is so significant for us, I’d like to explain.

Four months ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS. After the diagnosis, I did a ton of research and chose to eliminate dairy from my diet. One month after I began the gluten & dairy-free diet, I poured my heart out to all of you about how hard it all was and my almost five-year struggle with infertility.

I’m sorry for those of you who have struggled with infertility and those that are still struggling with infertility. There are no words that can describe the lonely feeling that comes along with that hard trial. My heart goes out to you, and I wish I could hug every one of you.

I believe with all my heart that eliminating dairy was the reason my husband and I were able to conceive. I have been to doctors, tried Clomid several times, and nothing seemed to work for us. After just three months of being dairy-free, I found out I was six weeks pregnant! I have never been more shocked!!

I thought our chances of having another baby was over, and I didn’t believe it was in the cards anymore. The day I took the pregnancy test, and it was positive, I fell to my knees bawled hysterically and uncontrollably. After all the negative tests I’ve gotten, I was conditioned not to expect anything.

The point of this story is if you are having trouble with infertility and are considering a gluten and dairy-free diet, DO IT!  No question, it has been worth the struggle. If it can happen for me, it can happen for you!

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