Meet Ellie Thacker

Meet Ellie Thacker

Meet Ellie @frecklesgalore this is her Celiac Story! 

After years of stomachaches and doctors telling me I needed more wheat in my diet, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease when I was 13. This diagnosis flipped my life upside down and made me question how I could ever live a normal life and enjoy food again. But I haven’t let Celiacs hold me back from living my dreams! Last summer, I went on a study abroad to Italy, a country known for its pizza and pasta. Traveling with Celiacs is always hard, but I found some amazing gluten free options, and had a wonderful time! I recently connected with a group of girls who are all gluten free, and it’s been so fun to share advice and try new restaurants together! I believe that we go through trials so we can help others, so I’ve been compiling a list of resources to share with those who are new to the gluten free diet, something I wish I had when I was first diagnosed. Having Celiac disease has been the hardest trial of my life, but it’s made me who I am today, and I am so grateful for that.

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