I Will Fight Hard On Behalf Of Everyone

I Will Fight Hard On Behalf Of Everyone

As unfortunate as this event at Splash Summit has been, it's also been incredibly eye-opening to me for many reasons.

I never set out to be an "influencer." All I ever wanted to do was help people struggling through the same trials I was, and then that drive to help became even stronger when Kolbie got diagnosed. It wasn't just me anymore; our whole family needed to make changes.

I don't view myself as any different than anyone else, and often, I forget the impact that I have made on this community. Then something like this Splash Summit thing happens, and I am reminded how big this community really is.

I haven't gotten to all my comments or DMs; it will be a while because I am trying to read them all. But I keep turning to Kev, with tears rolling down my face at the love and support that we have received. The number of people who support us and this cause is UNBELIEVABLE. The amount of people willing to help in any way they can, to be of support, and to say I'm sorry has brought back my faith in humanity. 

The gut-wrenching messages are the ones that say this has happened to them several times, but they don't have the platform or voice to make a change, but I do. I had forgotten that my voice can do big things. Thank you for reminding me. With that said, without ALL of you and the support you have shown me throughout the years, that wouldn't exist. So, thank you for continually supporting our family. 

THIS exact thing that happened is my WHY; life already isn't fair, but life is a lot harder for those of us who are "special." I will fight hard on behalf of everyone because of all of YOU and the love and support you have shown us.

This momma bear has just started this battle and is not giving up easily. Every waterpark should comply with the ADA Policy.
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