Beautiful Reminder

Beautiful Reminder

I relearned something very important today that I wanted to share with you.

Today, at Kolbie's doctor's appt, they wanted to test her thyroid for Hashimoto's and Graves' disease due to some elevated blood work.
Hearing that news, my heart immediately sank, and I started dress rehearsing worst-case scenarios in my head. Kolbie already has enough on her plate. As soon as the medical staff left the room for a second, I turned over and asked, "Are you okay? How do you feel about everything they just said? What do you want to ask me about it?" Doing my very best to keep my crap together.

Kolbie looked at me without flinching and, with her big, sincere Kolbie smile, said: “Mom, I'm great. If I do have it, then we will deal with it. I might have to take a pill and change a few things, but it will be fine."

She comforted me. Because she was so calm and okay, it made me stop and realize that she was right. We can’t change the outcome of her tests, but we can control how we respond to it. I was ready to start cursing god or whoever and really wallow in our victimhood because that would totally be justified. Right? She retaught me a valuable lesson today. She taught me that no matter the outcome, we will figure it out, make the adjustments we need, and ultimately get through it. That has been our track record so far, and she’s right. We are so much stronger than we realize at times. I love the moments when our kids teach us and give us strength.

Lately, this song called “God Is In This Story” by Katy Nichole and Big Daddy Weave has been on repeat. It speaks to me, and the chorus gets me every time. It’s worth a listen.

God is in this story
God is in the details
Even in the broken parts
He holds my heart. He never fails
When I'm at my weakest
I will trust in Jesus
Always in the highs and lows
The One who goes before me
God is in this story

I believe with my whole heart that God is in our story, and I was reminded that sometimes he uses our kids to speak to and comfort us. The trick is I/we have to listen. Today was a beautiful reminder for me to stop dress-rehearsing potential tragedies in my head and listen more. Maybe you do, to. God is in this story
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