Meet Aimeric

Meet Aimeric

Hi, my name is Stephanie. I am the mother of 6-year-old Aimeric who is my real-life hero. When Aimeric was just 3 years-old and after a merry go round of doctors appointments, he was diagnosed with Celiac. Being diagnosed with Celiac at a young age is extremely hard! To this day, Aimeric still has anxiety about getting his blood drawn. I have the memory of Aimeric screaming down the hospital day surgery halls screaming "mommy" as the nurses hauled him away for his endoscopy procedure drilled into my brain. It was a harder season of life- especially coming to terms with his diagnosis when we ironically live in a small rural community that farms mainly wheat & barley. Aimeric's dad is one of those farmers. 

Now that Aimeric is getting older. He is understanding more and more all the ins and outs of Celiac, but he still has moments where he breaks down and tells me he just wants to be like everyone else. He wants to be able to eat the same lunches as his school friends. He wants to be able to have the same treats everyone else has at parties or events. He wants to be spontaneous and eat at any restaurant. He wants to be able to be out with his dad on the farm and combine during harvest like all the other farm kids. As a mom, days like this absolutely tear me apart but I know brighter days are ahead and this usually calls for a shopping trip. Since we do not have very many GF options in the closest city, which is an hour drive, we venture out another 45 minutes further to the closest Yolk Fresh Market. When Aimeric and I walk down the isles as giddy as can be to see all the new GF options we have not tried, it's the best feeling. It gets added into the cart-no questions asked! This has turned into our favorite family activity. 

Last Thursday Aimeric was diagnosed officially with an IGA deficiency but let me tell you- that doesn't stop my little guy from living and always having a smile on his face. That is why he is my hero. I have so much love and admiration for him and this Celiac community. 

Thank you, Janae, for continuing to create awareness for Celiac. It has brought me relationships with other mothers who are going through the same situation. 

Much Love

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