Meet cute Owen!! Look at that smile

Meet cute Owen!! Look at that smile

Meet cute Owen!! Look at that smile. Thank you @mcevoyapril for sharing Owen's Celiac story with all of us!!

This is Owen almost 7 years ago. The picture on the left is the day we found out he had Celiac Disease. The picture on the right is just 6 weeks later on a gluten free diet.

My heart still hurts every time I look at these pictures. Remembering how sick my little boy was, yet he ALWAYS had a huge smile on his face.

Nothing has changed to this day- he is full of sunshine and happiness. Even when I get frustrated or sad for him when he has to miss out on things- he always tells me “It’s ok mom!” You don’t realize how much of our life revolves around food until you have a kid who has a specialized diet. I have realized it is up to me to be prepared and advocate for him as he is learning to do that for himself. No kid wants to feel left out so we try our best to always be prepared so he can have what other kids are having. But even when that doesn’t work out, Owen never gets mad- he might feel disappointed for a minute but then he is back to smiling. He is my hero.

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